Join the FREE 14 Day Beauty in EVERYday Challenge

Where do you find beauty?

Does it happen when you are in a beautiful setting?  In a great mood?  Feeling loved and on top of things?

What about when you’re in the middle of winter?  When you are tired or depressed…when life isn’t on track and you’re feeling alone?

For the next 14 days, I invite you to join me in a 14 Day Beauty in EVERYday Challenge.  The idea is this – that there is beauty to be found, regardless of our circumstances, life situation or feelings.  Beauty is everywhere and around us everyday – we see it when we take time to look.

Our challenge for the next 14 days is to look for beauty in the EVERYday and to share our discoveries with others.

When we purposefully look for beauty, we begin to see it everywhere.  In people.  In places.  Where we work.  Where we play.  Where we live.  Finding beauty in the EVERYday could transform us in ways we can’t begin to imagine.  It will rekindle our childlike wonder and sense of discovery, and help us to realize that contentment and beauty can be found regardless of the circumstances of our day.

Are you ready to get started?  It’s easy!

To join the FREE challenge:

1. Click the button below to sign up.  When you sign up, I’ll send you a welcome email right away.  (If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.)  Then you’ll get an email every day with that day’s theme and encouragement from me.

Join the Challenge

2. Join the Facebook group.  You will get the link to the group after you join the Challenge.  Be sure to join right away – this is where you will post your daily discoveries and also see what other people are finding as they journey alongside you.

3. Share the 14 Day Challenge with your friends and family.  It’s easy!  Just click on one of the social media buttons at the top or bottom of this page and write a note encouraging them to sign up.

4. Start Day 1 – today!  Follow the challenge outline that you receive in your email from me.  The idea is that you pay attention every day to the beauty you experience around you.  It could be something you see, hear, touch, taste, or feel.  Each day we will have a prompt to help you find beauty in ways you’ve never even considered or imagined before.

5. Have fun! Trust me – big change can happen in 14 days.  I can’t wait to hear about your experience at the end and throughout the challenge.   

That’s it!  So, let’s get started!  Click here to instantly join the challenge and together we’ll find beauty – EVERYday!
Join the Challenge