Turn what now? into what’s next?
Have you reached a point in your life where you’re wondering, “What now?” Sure, you’ve been successful, but you’re asking yourself, “How did I get here?” You worked so hard that you forgot to come up for air. You lost a loved one, a job, or your health. And you found yourself somewhere that you didn’t plan, and that doesn’t fit.
Whatever brought you here, you’re wondering where the music went. You don’t want to start over, though sometimes you flirt with the idea. But instead you sigh, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and soldier on. Doing what you have to.
Every so often you try again to find your voice.
But there are so many hurdles.
- Comfortable habits, that are hard to break out of
- Your own success, that makes a risk scarier
- Stable relationships, that could be upset if you make a change
- Fear of the unknown
- A dizzying array of options
You croak out a few notes, but it doesn’t sound like music. Discouraged, you’re starting to feel like, “I guess that’s just the way life is.” So you go back to your routine. Yet in the deepest part of your heart, you’re hoping that isn’t true. That life can be different somehow, some way. But you’re starting to doubt it’s possible for you.
You wonder if it’s possible to change your life without risking everything. Because what you’ve tried so far hasn’t succeeded. At the same time, you don’t believe you have what it takes to go for broke. The sound of “broke” is way too scary. You wonder if you have what it takes to break out of the straitjacket you find yourself in.
Is it Possible to Change?
At this point, you’re wondering if it’s even possible AT ALL to change your life, after what’s happened to you. Is it merely hype, another empty sales pitch? Or is it actually possible? You’ve tried so many other things, and they haven’t delivered. You’ve read books, followed someone’s “guaranteed plan”, and guess what? Nothing changed. The music is still dead. You’re still in your not-quite-fitting life.
You know there has to be an answer. Other people seem to have done this, so why can’t you? You’ve tried other programs, and they didn’t deliver. And while you spent time and money on “solutions” that didn’t work, time has been quickly passing. There has to be something that will work. And there is.
I know what it’s like to wake up and realize that your life doesn’t fit anymore. I’ve been through 7 corporate mergers and acquisitions, had a serious illness that almost forced me to quit my job, and experienced the sudden death of my husband at a young age. I know life isn’t fair, and bad things happen to good people.
I’ve felt the pain of rejection, loss, and not knowing which way to turn.
I know what it’s like to turn to “professionals” who don’t help, but instead make the situation worse. Make you feel worse about yourself and your situation.
I know what it’s like to try and hold your life together when it feels like it’s falling completely apart.
I know what it’s like to hang on to what is left, because you just can’t bear to lose any more.
I also know what it’s like to not just survive – but to THRIVE. To emerge victorious. To have joy and peace in the midst of stressful and painful situations.
I’ve not only been through it and lived to tell about it, I’ve also studied from some of the best so I can help you: Michael Hyatt, Seth Godin, Michael Port, and Ken Davis to name a few. I’ve mentored and coached my team at work through personal and professional roadblocks. I’ve taught webinars about wellness, mindfulness, and resilience, and helped a team undergoing significant organizational change to stay connected to themselves and each other through the process.
You don’t need a pre-packaged system with 2000 steps. You also know you can’t just click your heels three times and be instantly transported to where you want to be. But you do have what it takes to get home. You just need some guidance to get there.
Groovemaker Coaching will help you make your life sing again.
Rekindle the zest for life you once had. Together we will uncover what you truly want and why – what’s next. We’ll identify your habits, or ruts. The belief system that is holding you back. And develop a customized plan to not only find your groove, but also dance to it.
If you want to find the music in your soul and live a life that is tailored to you, then click the “I Want to Be a Groovemaker!” button. Tell me who you are and what you want to do. We’ll schedule a time to explore together. And then your Groovemaker adventure begins.
Yes! I Want to Be a Groovemaker!
You can be fully alive to the world around you. You can dance to your own beat, carry a song in your heart, and even thrive in difficult times. With my help, you’ll have a greater sense of meaning and accomplishment. Why? Because it will mean something to you.
And guess what? You don’t have to ditch your life to do it (unless you want to). You’ll have a vision for your life that’s big, and yet not completely out of reach. That’s powerful in its simplicity. That comes with a strategy and real, practical tactics for moving from where you are to where you want to be. And the best part? Because it’s completely customized to you, we’ll do it in a way that makes sense…for YOU.
Your life is going to change in the next 10 years whether you intend it to or not. Imagine how you’ll feel when you can look back and see how your vision came to pass! How each step brought you to the life you’re now living.
It’s possible, you know. You really can create a life that you’re excited about. You can be a Groovemaker. Even if everyone around you is still sleep-walking through life, you can be fully alive. Alive to yourself. Your surroundings. Your loved ones. To possibilities. You can do it, and with Groovemaker Coaching you’ll know how.
You don’t have to continue in the same rut, singing the same old, tired song. You don’t have to end the day exhausted from trying to suck it up because your life doesn’t fit you anymore. You don’t have to live with the regret that comes from blending into the grey background of life. There is a better, and much more fun way. All you have to do is take that first step. Click the “I Want to Be a Groovemaker!” button.