Tell a Better Story

Use the SPEAK Method for Better Storytelling

You’ve heard people say that every business should know how to tell their story. Maybe you’ve even tried to learn something about stories, and found yourself more confused than ever.

  • Do I have to tell stories? What happens if I don’t?
  • How do I even tell a story? I tried, but no one seems to listen.
  • Don’t I need to include facts in order for people to buy from me?
  • Don’t even get me started on video. How can I make videos when I don’t like my voice and don’t know what to do with my hands?

The stakes have never been this high. People are tired of being sold to, talked at, or made to feel like they’re missing something. They’re looking for a vision of a better future. Those who tell the story of that vision are capturing the minds and hearts of their customers – as long as they follow up with a great product and outstanding service, that is.

We can help. We developed the SPEAK Method to help business owners like you tell a great story – and tell it well. So people feel like they know you. Trust you. Want to buy from you. And you don’t sit in your office all by yourself.

Custom packages available upon request

Here’s how it works:

  1. Set up FREE 30-minute consultation to determine what works best for you.
  2. Pick a plan, or create one from scratch.
  3. Start transforming your SPEAKing right away.

Not sure if you’re ready to be a better SPEAKer, and would like an assessment of your SPEAKing skills? Fill out the form below.

Get Your SPEAK Score

1) Fill out your info. 2) Confirm via email. 3) When confirmed, get your SPEAK assessment and score.

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