I don’t know about you, but the holidays were just a little bit strange this year. My family and I traded gifts in parking lots and then opened them over Zoom. And an annual Christmas Eve celebration with my friend Ruth and others was Zoomed too. Not at all like the usual celebrations.

2019 Thompson-Alumbaugh Christmas
Ruth and I talked about what we had missed: cooking and eating together, and laughing as we popped our Christmas crackers and read the jokes. We also realized that so many had gone all out with decorating this Christmas. They put up lights earlier, even added more. Trying to bring joy into a dark and sometimes lonely time.
So we decided to keep that Christmas spirit going throughout the year. Cebrate Christmas on the 25th of every month during 2021. And since we’re musicians, we’re doing it in song.
Every month on the 25th at 8:30 pm Eastern Time, a YouTube music video will premiere. It will have an arrangement of a song for that month, along with “We Need a Little Christmas”. The songs will be a mixture of fun, serious, and surprising. And we might even bring props!
Because the spirit of giving is more alive at Christmas, we’re featuring a charitable organization each month too. So you can share in the giving.
The video for January is already available for viewing. And if you join us on the 25th of February at 8:30 pm, you can join in a live chat with us. Celebrate Christmas together apart.
The link to the We Need a Little Christmas page is here.
Whether you join us on the 25th or watch any other time, I hope you carry Christmas in your heart all year too. It might just help remind us that brighter days are ahead.