Wealth is Yours When You Spin Like Rumplestiltskin

Once upon a time there was a miller who had a beautiful daughter. He wanted to make himself appear important, so he bragged to the king that his daughter could spin straw into gold. Of course the king wanted more gold, so he locked the beautiful daughter up and demanded she produce the gold.

(c) Dollar Photo Club

The daughter had no idea how to spin straw into gold. She sat at the spinning wheel frightened and sobbing.

An Unexpected View and a Life Worth Living

I went to college in Staten Island, NY. It was a small, wooded campus, on top of a large hill. When walking around, you could almost forget you were in the city. Tall oaks, wide maples, beautiful cherry trees that bloomed in late spring.  Walking paths weaving through the campus.

For most of my college years, I lived in a dorm called Harborview Hall. This dorm was tall, like a large apartment building.

Here’s where you knew you were in the city. Out my dorm room window, I had this view:

Episode 026: Get in the Game – The Entrepreneurial Option

Have you thought about starting your own business and ignored it because it feels impossible?  How about one that serves, solves problems, or changes others’ thinking?  It is possible, even while you work at your day job.

(c) Ann Thompson

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When The Only Way Out Is Through

Have you ever started on a path that had only one way out? You had to make a choice about going forward or going back? When there was no other way out but through? How did you decide that it was worth the effort to move forward? What did it take to keep going when the path got difficult?

There is no other way out. (c) Kathleen Thompson

Here’s what I learned on a walking path in Ireland.