Happy New Year!!!!

A new year.  A fresh start.  A blank piece of paper.  What can you create this year?  The possibilities are amazing!  I created this image to encourage and inspire you.  You only have one life.  Let’s go exploring!

(c) Kathleen Thompson


I Want to Hear From YOU

Happy almost-2016!  You may be taking time with family, thinking about the year that is almost over, and planning the year ahead. I am too.

(c) Dollar Photo Club

I’ve created a short survey so I can hear what’s on your mind and heart.  What brings you joy…and what leaves you in a cold sweat.  I want to know how to better serve you in the coming year.

Would you take a few minutes to fill out the survey?  By doing so, you will help me to help you.  How?  Because you will help me make my content even more interesting and relevant to you.

The survey is anonymous.  I won’t be able to tell if you responded or not.  So even though I won’t know who said what, I want to hear your voice.  Your voice matters.  So let it be heard.  There are only a few questions, and it should take less than 3 minutes to complete.

Yes! I’m happy to help. Take me to the survey.

The survey will be open until January 7, 2016.  I’ll compile the results and report the findings in a blog post.  As always, if you want to reach out to me directly for any reason, go to the Contact Me page.  Comments are also welcome below.

Thanks in advance for your help, and have a happy new year!


A Symphony of Joy and Longing

Last week our church had an evening carol sing. We sang all the old favorites: Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Jingle Bells, and The Twelve Days of Christmas – including the flourishes on the five golden rings.

(c) Dollar Photo Club

One that spoke to my heart that night was “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.

Episode 032 – The Best Present is Presence

Are you looking for a way to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all?  Start by giving the gift of your presence.

(c) Ann Thompson

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Talking With Your Open Hands

Have you ever sat and felt tight and stressed? Anxious? And you couldn’t figure out why? Sometimes when we sit, we tighten up. We concentrate so hard that we bear down and tighten. Or a stressful conversation triggers the tightening, and then we don’t notice that we’re still doing it long after the stress is gone.

(c) Dollar Photo Club

One day I felt tense. I couldn’t figure out why until I realized I was clenching my hands. Not in a fist, but tight nonetheless. Once I noticed it, I opened my hands. Immediately the rest of my body began to relax.