You in the Spotlight

I recently asked you to answer a few questions about who you are, what you love, and what challenges you face. You candidly shared your thoughts, feelings, and feedback. Not only did you share yourself, you also told me how I can best serve you.

(c) Dollar Photo Club

There are several statistics that you may find interesting.  But let’s start with what’s most important: who you are.

Episode 034 – Leap Over Your Upper Limit

We each have a success set point that is difficult to get past. 3 Strategies to make a Big Leap over our Upper Limit.

(c) DollarPhotoClub

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Would you like to PLORK?

Do you have any idea what “plork” means? Probably not, because I made it up. (I’ll give you a hint. It comes from reading Stuart Brown’s book Play.)

(c) Thinkstock Photos

Brown paints a compelling picture about why we should bring play back into our lives as adults. I even did a podcast about the importance of play. Kind of ironic, isn’t it? Making play sound so serious?

But what does that have to do with PLORK?

Episode 033 – Join the Anti-Resolution Revolution

When we make New Year’s Resolutions, we are limited by our prior history and imagination. What if we make un-resolutions instead?

(c) Ann Thompson

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