The Measure of a Moment

What’s a moment worth?  How do you measure a moment?  If you’re a gazillionaire making $1 billion a year, a minute is worth about $190,000. If you’re like the rest of us, not that much in terms of dollars.   What if we use a different lens?  See the value in its ability to change our life, protect us from danger, take our breath away?  What about the moments that change our life’s course, remind us of who we are, or even change history?

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What are those moments worth?

Episode 038 – Fully Alive: A Dynamic Discussion With Ken Davis

Do you remember the spirit you had as a child when your feet hit the floor and you couldn’t wait to start the day? Ken Davis shares how to keep that spirit alive in this dynamic interview.

(c) Ken Davis

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Drawing Stick Figures: A Study in Perspective

Did you ever see those ads for learning how to draw? They show an exquisite and detailed drawing of a woman, and say you can learn to draw like that. The drawing captures not only the woman’s beauty, but also her personality. Her style. Her essence.

(c) Thinkstock and Dollar Photo

Meanwhile, your drawings look like stick figures.