On the Same Side of the Desk

When we encounter a problem, it’s easy to see people with a different opinion as the opposition.  We even use words like “across the aisle” or “sitting across the desk”, as if that space is a wide gulf that can’t be breached.

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We end up talking over the problem and at each other.  It can quickly turn antagonistic.

Episode 050 – Lessons in Leadership From My Facebook Friends

Do you lead people at work?  In a volunteer organization?  Or are you looking to lead others online?  Be acknowledged as an expert in a field and have others follow you?  Or maybe you’re just trying to persuade people to agree with your point of view.  In order to succeed, you have to be technically competent, or no one will listen to you in the first place.  But then what makes people want to follow you?  Or conversely, what makes them NOT want to follow you?  We explore this and more in my 50th podcast episode.

Oh, and by the way, I’m hosting a virtual party on my Facebook page from September 20-30.  Join me there.

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What We Can’t Forget About 9/11

As I write this post, it is September 11, 2016. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a plane that crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside thanks to the heroism of passengers and crew.

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So much has been said about how this event changed us. Indeed it has. Probably in some ways we don’t even notice. And one of the biggest is that it made the unthinkable not only thinkable, but real.

Episode 049 – Hidden Talent: A Conversation With Dynamic Communicators’ Matt Brady [podcast]

Some people’s talent is out in front – in the public eye.  Others’ is behind the scenes.  Matt Brady is one of the hidden talent behind Dynamic Communicators’ Ken Davis, an author, speaker, and mentor to other speakers. In this enlightening episode, we hear how your behind-the-scenes work contributes to the entire team’s success.  And how by stretching and “trying stuff” you can find your own hidden talents.

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