For More Energy, Bend Your Knees

The other day at my Alexander Lesson, my teacher was helping me to move my balance point from forward and scrunched down to up and over my spine.  Because I so often have my head reaching toward my computer, it puts a lot of my weight forward too.  Then other parts of my body have to move backward to compensate so I don’t fall over.

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It’s rather comical to think about the fact that here I am a grown woman relearning how to stand, sit, and move.

How Are Your Goals Like Potholes?

If there’s one thing that grows well in New England, it’s potholes.  The temperature fluctuates widely during the winter.  The road gets wet from snow, sleet, or rain.  It freezes and thaws.  And the moisture combined with the freezing and thawing creates a frost heave.

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Which then turns into a pothole.

A Charlotte Cab Driver Teaches Us How to Be

A few weeks ago I traveled to Charlotte on business.  As I usually do, I struck up a conversation with the cab driver who took me from the airport to the office.  He was from Ethiopia.  We talked about the snow storm that had hit there 2 days before.  6-7 inches of the white stuff in a city that isn’t quite prepared for that.

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“It was fun!” he said.  “An adventure.”

Episode 058: How to Align Your Goals With You

The first key to accomplish your goals?  Alignment.  With who you really are.  What emotional needs drive you.  And align your emotional state to set yourself up for success.  Hear my story of insomnia, why lack of alignment was keeping me awake, what I did about it, and how you can apply these principles to your own goals.

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…and then I heard a CRASH

On December first I was headed to my Alexander lesson.  Only a few minutes away from Elizabeth’s house, I stopped at a 4-way stop sign.  Before I stopped, someone from my left turned left onto my street.  I looked again just before stopping.  The person on my left was going left, and went.  The person on my right was nowhere near the stop sign.  And the person straight ahead was going straight.  It was my turn to go, so I went.

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And then I heard a crash.

Episode 057: Three Keys to Unlock the Secrets of Goal Success

Have you ever been frustrated by trying to accomplish a goal?  You’ve tried “everything”, and never reach it?  Do you think, “If only I had a better plan, a better strategy?  Or do you think you got short-changed in the discipline department?  Well, take heart.  In this episode I talk about why most goal-achieving programs don’t work, and the 3 keys to goal success.

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