How Can I Best Serve You?

Guess what?  The year is almost half over already.  Five months in, and the time is flying by.  Many kids are already out of school, my friend Ruth’s daughter graduated from college, and we just celebrated Memorial Day.  I thought it was a good time to check in, see how you’re doing, and how I can best serve you.  

(c) Dollar Photo Club

I’ve created a short survey so I can hear what’s on your mind and heart.  What brings you joy…and what leaves you in a cold sweat.  I want to know how to better serve you in the coming months.

Would you take a few minutes to fill out the survey?  By doing so, you will help me to help you.  How?  Because you will help me make my content even more interesting and relevant to you.

The survey is anonymous.  I won’t be able to tell if you responded or not.  So even though I won’t know who said what, I want to hear your voice.  Your voice matters.  So let it be heard.  There are only a few questions, and it should take less than 3 minutes to complete.

Yes! I’m happy to help. Take me to the survey.

The survey will be open until June 22, 2017.  I’ll compile the results and report the findings in a blog post.  As always, if you want to reach out to me directly for any reason, go to the Contact Me page.  Comments are also welcome below.

Thanks in advance for your help, and have a wonderful summer!

Episode 066: To Have a Great Life, Ask Great Questions

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions.  Most of those questions are subconscious.  If you start to pay attention, you may find that many are negative.  That’s what I found when I started listening to myself.  In this episode, we explore the anatomy of a good question.

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Episode 065: Life Happens. Sing Anyway.

Life happens.  When we’re the least prepared.  Whether we like it or not.  We’re going along, and BAM!  Something unexpected.  That knocks us off our feet.  The breath out of us.  Sometimes it even changes us.  Cause us to shrink inside.  Make ourselves smaller to try and dodge the next blow.  I’ve learned the hard way that when I protect myself I experience two losses – the original one and the loss of myself.  I’m learning to sing my own song, and let that song weave around all of my life.  Even the painful parts.  I invite you to lift your voice and sing your own song with faith and hope.

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