Episode 086: It’s Time to Break Free

You know how it feels when something you’ve been proud of becomes difficult?  Maybe you even feel ashamed about it?  Like you were a rising star at your company, and now younger people are passing you by.  Or you were a great athlete and an injury leaves you not quite the same again.  Now you lose confidence.  You’re struggling to explore beyond what’s possible as you see your limitations in full living color.  On this episode you’ll learn 5 steps to break free so you can step out with the confidence you need to make the impossible possible.

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Out of a Crazy Mixed-up Day, a Blessing

I picked up my phone to put it in my purse.  The last thing to pack before I drove to the airport.  Oh…a text message.  From the friend I’m staying with.  Better read it.  Uh oh.  Something happened during the night.  They can’t host me.  So sorry.  Will have to make it another time.  I quickly call the hotel I’m staying at for the rest of my time in Los Angeles.  Can’t check in early.  They’re completely booked.

(c) Dollar Photo

Now what do I do?

Episode 085: Let’s Explore Beyond What’s Possible

When was the last time you swung as high as you could?  Explored beyond what you believed was possible? In today’s episode, we talk about why exploring beyond your limits is one key to a life fully lived.

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