Where Do You Go to Claim Your Power?

I’ve been hearing people say this so often lately: “It’s time to claim your power.”  Or, “It’s time to step into your power.”  So what is that exactly?  Do you have a claim ticket, like when you check your coat and ask for it back at the end of the evening?  Or is it something like a circle that you can step in and suddenly be like Wonder Woman or Superman?

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Somehow I don’t think so.

Episode #116: Built With Love – What is Love?

What is love, really?  It’s a word we toss around so much.  “I love ice cream.  I love the Yankees.  I love my mother.  I love my work.”  If we’re going to build with love, it’s important to know what we mean.  On today’s second Built With Love episode, we ask and answer the question, “What is love?”

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Episode #115: Built With Love

If I asked you what you love, what would you say?  And then, what does your life say you love?  What do your actions say you love?  Because you build what you love.  And sometimes what you build may not look like what you say.  I know that’s at least partly true for me.  Today is the first of a series to explore what it means to build what you love and build it with love.

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