Reclaiming the Garden Part 9 – Breathing Room

Yes, I’m still at it.  Still working to reclaim the garden behind my house.  If we were restoring a house, we’d say we were still in the “demo” phase.  Getting rid of what doesn’t belong so I can replace it with something that does.

(c) Kathleen Thompson. There’s space like this all over the garden.

And now I can see the effect of decisions I made years ago.

Episode #122: Built With Love – Your Communication

We’ve talked in our Built With Love series about your product, marketing, culture, and leadership.  Today we’re talking about something that’s foundational to all – relationships.  Imagine how beautiful the world would be if all our relationships were built with love.  You can start to build that world right where you are.

(c) AdobeStock Photo

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Remembering 9/11: It’s The Little Things

As you read in Tuesday’s post, my friend Sarah and I visited the 9/11 museum a few weeks ago.  At the entrance was a huge photo of the lower Manhattan skyline approximately 20 minutes before the first plane hit.  There were audio recordings of what people remembered they were doing when the planes hit.  Pulling up to work in their car.  Washing clothes.  Grocery shopping.  Normal, everyday stuff.  And then…BAM.  Everything changed.

Reclaiming the Garden Part 8 – How Do You Get a Bush to Grow Back?

You know when you buy a bush from the garden shop and it looks nice and full?  And then something happens – winter damage, deer eat it, or whatever?  And suddenly it doesn’t look so great?  In fact it looks scraggly, and you wonder how to bring it back to its lush, full state?

Episode #121: Built With Love – Your Relationships

We’ve talked in our Built With Love series about your product, marketing, culture, and leadership.  Today we’re talking about something that’s foundational to all – relationships.  Imagine how beautiful the world would be if all our relationships were built with love.  You can start to build that world right where you are.

(c) AdobeStock Photo

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