What Are You Afraid Of That You Know You Must Do?

We all have them.  The things that we’re afraid of.  Even when it seems irrational.  And no, I don’t mean stuff like spiders.  I mean things we know we should do and resist with every ounce of energy we have.

It might having a challenging conversation.  Loving when we don’t feel like it.  Forgiving someone.  Forgiving ourselves.

What’s it for you?

Do you do it anyway?  If you do, what gets you to do it? Does it come from inside yourself- like your values, faith, or confidence?  Or does it come from outside yourself – like encouragement, manipulation, or shame?

For as many reasons as we have to not want to do something we know we must, there an equal number of motivations to do it anyway.

When I say we must, I mean we must if we are to keep our reputation.  Or succeed at what’s important.  Not necessarily live-or-die, though it may sometimes feel like that.

So what’s that hard thing for you, and what do you to actually do it anyway?

I’m asking because my hard thing is promoting.  Standing out.

As much as I love to perform, I don’t like to have to tell anyone that I’m going to do it.  Or ask you to come.  Or ask you to participate in any kind of project I’m working on.  Even if I believe you’d really love it and even benefit from it.

It’s hard for me to share on other people’s behalf too, though not quite.  People often use that tired phrase, “If you had the cure for cancer you’d tell everybody about it, wouldn’t you?”  As if to say, “Well DUH!”  And I’m not sure that’s quite so DUH.

May if and only if, I knew it was at least 90% effective.  And if I was positive you had the kind of cancer this remedy would cure.  And you didn’t have an attitude that stretched all the way to California from Connecticut.  Maybe I’d share it then.

I’m trying to think of a time when I didn’t hesitate to promote something.

  1. The book Essentialism on my blog and podcast. Hmmm…..that’s somehow easier.  It’s separated from any emotional involvement.  I just write it up and wait to see what happens.
  2. When Michele Cushatt wrote her book called I Am.  That touched me so much that I shared it everywhere.  And didn’t hesitate.

There have been plenty of half-hearted attempts, or even more-than-half-and-less-than-3-quarters attempts.  But none but these were full out.  And I’m not sure Essentialism qualifies since it was more like an endorsement on my podcast.

I’ve taken a course in marketing that says you must market with empathy.  Give generously to people who desperately need a lifeline.  And you know what?  That’s fine when you’re selling operating room equipment.  Or life vests.

But what about jewelry?  Scented candles? Or music?  What about when it’s not absolutely necessary in the scheme of life?

Is there still empathy involved?  Generosity?  Why is it so hard to talk about something that could bring comfort, understanding, or a new vision to the reader or listener?  I’m not sure.  And I know I don’t want to do it.  And also know it’s important to do it.


Are brain transplants a thing?

What’s a really hard thing for you?  Do you do it anyway?  If so, how do you get yourself to do it?  Leave a comment or respond to the email that goes out with this blog post with your suggestions.

BTW – I’m going to be coming out with an album sometime in the next few months.  I’d really love help getting the word out.  As you just read, It’s not my strong suit.  If you’d like to help, just respond by saying, “I’m in.”  I’ll appreciate you forever if you do.