The Work-Life Balance Myth

You know how painful it is on the playground when you are see-sawing with someone and without warning they get off?  You are suddenly slammed to the ground.  It really hurts.  Even though I am long past playground age, I still remember it.  Well that’s how it can feel when you are trying to achieve work-life balance.  It seems to work for a while, and suddenly – SLAM!

(c)     warrengoldswain/thinkstock

(c) warrengoldswain/thinkstock

You are on the ground.

The Pleasure of a Pomegranate – How to Enjoy Real Food

We say we want to eat more healthy, yet we often don’t.  One of the reasons is that eating sweets or snacks seems more fun.  So many social events center around food.  It seems that the more fun the event, the less nutritious the food.  Our subconscious minds then associate fun with foods like nachos, chicken wings, candy or cake.  We even have an entire day devoted to the art of snack food.  They don’t call it the “Super Bowl” for nothing!

We are often so busy that food becomes an afterthought.  We grab whatever we can find that is quick and easy.  I’ve found that sometimes I don’t recall what I had for lunch or how it tasted because I wasn’t paying attention as I ate.  My mind was elsewhere.

So how do we eat more healthy?  What if we changed the paradigm?  What if we took pleasure in eating food in its natural state?  I rediscovered this love last week when I cut and ate a pomegranate.

photo credit:  Kathleen Thompson

photo credit: Kathleen Thompson

Using my pomegranate as an example, here’s how to love food that comes straight from Mother Nature.