Snow at the End of the Driveway – Dealing With the Little Things

We’ve had a lot of snow in the Northeast this winter.   The storms have come close together, and some have been mixed with sleet and ice.  Earlier this week, I noticed that the snow at the end of my driveway was creeping inward, to the point where it was difficult to drive in.  Then it snowed again – twice in two days.  Despite my shoveling, the pile grew every time the snowplow went by.  The snow crept in further to the point where I had to take drastic action.

(c) Digital Vision/Thinkstock

(c) Digital Vision/Thinkstock

I tried to shovel it out, but it was frozen.  It would not budge.  

Creating Margin

How Downtime Enriches Your Life

Whenever you read, view a presentation, or look at art, you are affected by its design.  Color, texture, balance, and the subject itself are design elements that affect your experience.  Often-overlooked, and equally important, is the use of “white space” or margin.

Photo Credit © Robertas P'as/Thinkstock

Photo Credit © Robertas P'as/Thinkstock

What is margin?  What does it do?  Why is it so important?  And what does it have to do with your life?