I had my hair cut the other day, and asked my stylist if he has a favorite Christmas tradition. Jay said, “Oh yes. Every year my family gives each other gorgeous cards. And then we use them to make ornaments. Some are mostly cut around the card design. Others are cut so they are hardly recognizable, and a really creative ornament made out of them. We have a special tree to hang these ornaments on, and keep saving them from year to year. Every year this tree grows more beautiful with new ones being added.”
I can just picture it, can’t you?
Everything from gorgeous and creative to tacky and hilarious. Proudly hung on the special memories tree.
That got me thinking: what interesting holiday traditions do you have? Maybe it’s a unique food, or a gift that keeps getting recycled. One family I know wears footy-pajamas and watches Christmas movies.
Me? Jerry and I had one that started kind of innocently and then turned into a thing. We’d write funny gift tags to one another, using fictitious To and From names.
They were usually related to a show we’d done that year. Or a place we visited. Or alliteration. Like
- TO Kula KT FROM Hana Honey
- TO Superman FROM Wonder Woman
- TO Yum-Yum FROM Pooh-Bah
Here’s a picture of a few I actually saved. (Too bad I didn’t save more. They were pretty funny.)

(c) Kathleen Thompson
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Festivus, you probably have a holiday tradition. As you see, it can be anything, no matter how weird or funny.
Because what matters is that you and I treasure the relationships we have. And do things that reflect that love. Whether it be to bake pumpkin pie without ginger because you mother’s allergic (like my sister Ann does), or sneaking a gift into your brother’s car when he’s not looking, or a gag gift exchange, each tradition comes with love.
So what’s yours? Share in the comments. And I wish you a holiday filled with the warmth of love and light.
Peace to you today.