It’s summer, and I’m holed up in a Sunday School room at the Essex Congregational Church. This room has a piano, and the church has graciously allowed me to hang out in there to write songs. It gives me a place to go so I don’t disturb my family so much. (Remember the time before electronic instruments and headphones?) And changing my location tells me that it’s time to get down to work.
And write I do. All kinds of songs. I still have a folder with the hand-written lyric sheets.
Day after day. Writing. Experimenting. Trying to hone my craft.
Most of them aren’t very good. Some are terrible. And a few show promise. Or at least I think they do. So I send them off to a few publishers. I don’t remember who, and I don’t remember how many. All are rejected. Some don’t even care enough to send a letter. They just never reply.
I give up. Other things clamor for my time and attention. Like supporting myself. Going to night school so I can get promoted to a living wage. Then traveling, marriage. Life.
So I write the occasional song. For my sister and brother-in-law when they get married. A psalm. A wedding song.
That dream’s dead, and I don’t even think I can do it anymore. So I don’t.
Until my voice teacher issues a challenge to another student to write a song in 2 weeks. I say I’m going to take that challenge too. And I write that song.
Now I’m hooked. Just like those days in college when I hung out for hours in the Sunday School room at the Essex Congregational Church, I keep writing.
And then I find a co-writer. Who has a recording studio in his garage. Now we’re writing together, and recording the songs too.
Which brings me to you.
I’m making an album of these songs. I’m hoping to finish it in the next few months. When I do, I’m going to release it for sale. But so much has changed in how we buy and listen to music. And sure, I know about how the kids are buying and listening, but I’d really like to know about how you listen. Because I want to make it as convenient as possible for those who want to hear my songs to find them and be able to listen.
So, if you would, please fill out a short survey about the music you like, how you find it, and how you listen. It would mean the world to me. Just click here to take the survey.
When you do, you’ll also get an invitation to a backstage pass to my journey. I’m sharing stuff with that group that I don’t share anywhere else. You’re invited to join the group too. After all, we’ve been friends for a while now. I’d love you to be part of this ongoing adventure..
Back to you again.
Is there something you stopped doing because it didn’t seem practical? You didn’t think you had time for, or gave up on because you weren’t good enough? Do you find yourself regretting that you gave it up? Wishing you could start again, and feel like it’s too late now?
It isn’t too late. Maybe you’ll never be the professional ice skater now, like I won’t be the next Lady Gaga. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy something for its own sake. That you can’t hone your skill because it’s a good discipline and also so much fun you think it should be illegal. Because you can. That’s what I’m doing right now. Having fun writing and recording. Learning from a master. Honing my skill.
I wish I hadn’t given it up. When I think about how good I could have been if I studied and kept at it, I sometimes want to cry. And then I remind myself that at least I’m doing it now. What’s in the past is the past. Now I’m choosing my present and future. I’m doing what I love. No matter where it leads.
Please take the survey. And then look at your life right now. What have you given up that could help feed your soul if you do it again? Woodworking? Gardening? Writing poetry? You’ll be amazed at how much more energy you’ll have for everything else in your life. Because your soul will be lit up.
Let me know what you’re going to do. Or if you’re already doing it, how it’s impacting your life. Leave a comment. And, thanks for taking the music survey.
P.S., If you share this post with your friends, I’d be eternally grateful.