Episode #133: Afformations

Have you ever tried positive affirmations, thinking they would help you think your way to a new life?  And it didn’t work?  On this episode, we’re talking about what’s more powerful than affirmations to make change happen.  How to use what our mind naturally does to help us succeed at what’s most important to us.

(c) Kathleen Thompson

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Episode #132: Emotional Intelligence – The New Success Superpower

Financial acumen, programming, storytelling, empathy.  All traits people tell us are or were a success superpower.  On today’s episode, we explore a superpower that is stronger and more comprehensive than all of them put together: Emotional Intelligence.

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Don’t Let the Tomatoes Hit You on the Way Out

I’m sitting at my computer (there’s a shock, right?) about to write a post in an online workshop I’m taking.  Part of the point of the workshop is to build a habit to show up every day and post something.  Whatever we want.  Writing, video, audio, artwork. Anything.

(c) Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash

I’ve already posted my first day.  And now I notice something I didn’t notice before.

Episode #131: Everything is Figureoutable Part 2

Is everything really figureoutable?  And haven’t we already talked about it?  Yes and yes.  This book by Marie Forleo was so good that I wanted to share what I learned in the second half.  After you listen, why not buy the book and try this yourself?  No matter where you are in life, if you’ve got something you’re trying to figure out, or can’t seem to get done, practicing the Everything is Figureoutable principles can help you get and keep moving.

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Singing Through My Tears

I’m on the plane, getting ready to take off from Los Angeles.  I’m exhausted.  Wrung out.  Normally when I come here I’m energized.  On top of the world.  I could almost float home.  But not this time.  This time I sink into my seat, just kind of wishing I was already home.

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I’m feeling like I failed myself.

Will You Help Me With a New Project?

It’s summer, and I’m holed up in a Sunday School room at the Essex Congregational Church.  This room has a piano, and the church has graciously allowed me to hang out in there to write songs.  It gives me a place to go so I don’t disturb my family so much.  (Remember the time before electronic instruments and headphones?)  And changing my location tells me that it’s time to get down to work.

(c) Kathleen Thompson

And write I do.  All kinds of songs.  I still have a folder with the hand-written lyric sheets.

Episode #130: My Annual One Word Review

Can you actually summarize the year with one word?  Not really, but you can have a theme for the year that’s one word.  That’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode.  How my 2019 One Word impacted my life in ways I never would have imagined.  And how you can do it yourself.

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Episode #129: My Year End Review

You know, I always hated the end of year performance evaluations I did on myself and my team.  The format was so restrictive.  It didn’t really tell the whole story.  So this year, I turned the annual review on its head.  I tried it on myself, and thought I’d ’hare it with you.  You might want to try it yourself.

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