Episode 004: How Do You Tell Your Story? [podcast]

Everyone has a story. Each is as unique as our signature. Your story, and how you tell it, matters in the here and now, and for your future.

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On today’s episode:

Rhythm of Life – How I embarrassed myself at a family party with chocolate cake

Tune-Up Tip – How paperback books can help you rest

Random Riffs – Who was James Garfield?

Feature Segment –Your story tells your future

Rhythm of Life

Sometimes it just isn’t worth eating things even when they taste good.

Tune-up Tip

A quick guide to doing Constructive Rest, from an Alexander Technique student’s perspective. For more specific instructions from a certified Alexander Technique Instructor, see the Resources Section.

Constructive Rest is one of the Alexander Technique’s foundational exercises.

Feature Segment – How Do You Tell Your Story?

How you tell your story matters. You can reframe your story – tell it in a different way. You can change how you think about your story, about your life, about yourself. The past informs the present and also the future.

What kind of story do you want to tell? To share, click here.


Alexander Technique – Constructive Rest

Articles about telling your story:

Huffington Post

Bill Moyers

Telling Your Story Toolkit

Donald Miller


The Redemptive Self


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Episode 004: How Do You Tell Your Story? [podcast]

  1. Lots of food for thought here on how we tell our own story. I think we often get caught up in the dramatic for better attention, but the negatives that perspective portrays don’t align with our true personality.
    I have had a lot of practice of late telling my story as I’ve continued looking for employment.
    I will keep these tips in mind as I continue to tell my story, and will aim to do it intentionally, thoughtfully and positively.

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