Episode 023: Four Powerful Results From Effective Communication [podcast]

Powerful communication can turn even boring facts into a great story. One that moves, motivates, and empowers people to take action. Listen to hear 4 powerful results that come from practicing dynamic communication.

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On This Episode

Rhythm of Life – A Perfect Day
Tune-up Tip – Defusing the Clutter Crisis
Random Riffs – Who Wants to Run For President?
Feature Segment – Four Powerful Results From Effective Communication

Rhythm of Life – A Perfect Day

Have you ever had a perfect day?

It doesn’t happen very often. You can’t create one, and you can’t force it. But you can notice, appreciate, and savor when it happens.

I encourage you to do the same. Pay attention when it happens; store it as a vivid memory. You may want to call that memory up some time when you’re not having such a perfect day. It can serve as a reminder that life can be beautiful.   You can relive that perfect day.

What was your perfect day? I’d love to hear about it.

Tune-up Tip – Defusing the Clutter Crisis

A book, called “the life-changing magic of tidying up” has taken the how-to book world by storm. According to author, Marie Kondo, we should only keep things that “spark joy”.

Kondo is not the only one touting this advice. Professional organizers everywhere are educating the masses on the benefits of de-cluttering. Even Henry Thoreau experimented with this when he went to live at Walden Pond for a year.

Why do we have so much “stuff” ? Why does it become so tied to our emotions?
And the bigger question – How can we get to that zen-like place of simplicity and uncluttered?

I’m going to keep at this until I figure out a process that works for me. I encourage you to do the same with whatever clutter is holding you hostage. Let me know how it’s going by leaving a comment or my Facebook page.

Additional Resources
Graham Hill – Less Stuff, More Happiness
Books – The Joy of Less, Throw Out 50 Things, The Not So Big House, and more

Random Riffs – Who Wants to Run For President?

It’s 2015, and we’re still more than a year away from the next Presidential election. At this point, it feels like everyone in the country is running for President.  It got me thinking…who wants to run for President?

When we were kids, we thought it a noble choice when we grew up. Now as adults, perhaps it’s not so appealing.

Do YOU want to be President? Whether qualified or not, you’re in good company. Maybe we can form the Find Your Groove Party to kick off your campaign. If you want to run, let me know at kathleenannthompson.com.

Some interesting tidbits about presidential candidates:
List of current candidates as of early July.
LifeScience – Top 5 Bizarre Political Candidates
Discovery.com – Strangest Presidential Candidates in History
The Daily Beast – History’s Most Ridiculous Candidates

Feature Segment – Four Powerful Results From Effective Communication

On last week’s episode we talked about bringing all of who you are to work. In this episode we’ll discuss four powerful results you get when you communicate effectively. This piece is important because even if you bring the best of who you are, no one will pay attention if you can’t effectively communicate.

I’m sure you’ve seen it in the workplace, your circle of friends, or within your own family dynamic. The one with the best story wins. This can be an issue in our society where we are challenged with information overload. We need help in sifting through it all.

Enter the powerful communicator. He/she turns a pile of blah-blah-blah into something that makes sense, that we can relate to; take action on.   The purpose of communication isn’t merely to impart information, but to impact the listener to do something.

Four positive results from learning the art of effective communication:

  1. Educate – teach someone how to do something
  2. Persuade – convince that something is necessary, that there is a problem, or another way of looking at something
  3. Stand Out – Clear, decisive, powerful
  4. Achieve Success – a by-product of effectively communicating your ideas or vision

There are ways you can learn to communicate with this type of power:
Read and Watch

Attend a workshop – to learn methods in the art of effective communication
Practice the delivery – in order to hone your skill

Learning the secret of dynamic communication is a key factor in your success as you design your future. So, go forth and communicate. Bring all of who you are. And what you have accomplished. Clearly. Powerfully. And uniquely you.

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