Episode 040 – Who Do You Think You Are? Sam Bennett Part 2

Today Sam turns the question “Who do you think you are?” completely on its head. And we hit the hard stuff, talking about roadblocks to completing your project.

(c) Sam Bennett

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On This Episode

Rhythm of Life – Not Quite 20/20 Vision
Random Riffs – Wonder Bread, My Junk Drawer, and Joy
Feature Segment – Get It Done Part 2: The Rest of My Interview With Sam Bennett

Rhythm of Life – Not Quite 20/20 Vision

Last week I had a minor appliance malfunction at home that could have been avoided if I had paid closer attention.  But I didn’t.  Why?  Because I saw what I EXPECTED to see, rather than actually seeing the issue.

We do this all the time. We are amazingly selective in what we notice. We sort and sift through facts, unwittingly ignoring those that don’t fit our theory, and those that are atypical.   Often the consequences are minimal, but sometimes they aren’t.

How often do you do this? How can we get beyond our own expectations and really try to see what is there? And can we train ourselves to do this better?  Practice seeing with 20/20 vision.

Share with the group how you work to practice expanding your mind and your vision, and seeing beyond only what you expect to see.

Random Riffs – Wonder Bread, My Junk Drawer, and Joy

Recently, I was searching thru a kitchen drawer and came across an old ruler I’ve had since I was a kid that says “Wonder Bread” on it.  Immediately I smelled the scent of fresh-baked bread, and started grinning.

Why? Because I got that ruler at a tour of the Wonder Bread factory when I was 7.  It’s one of the most vivid memories of my early school days.  And when I picked up that ruler, I was transported back there.

It got me thinking about what other stuff I’ve saved, and whether I’d have a similar reaction. It would also provide me a good excuse to declutter, as Kathi Lipp and I talked about in Episode 037, and practice seeing, as discussed in the Rhythm of Life.  I was putting myself to the test to assess how often I don’t notice my own stuff, but just look past it.

The result?  Lots of memories.  Lots of smiles.  Lots of decluttering.  Some things I kept.  Much I threw away.


How easy it is to forget the good, the beautiful, the wondrous. Especially in the midst of the ugly, difficult, or tedious.  My Wonder Bread ruler is a beautiful moment in my life.

What is your Wonder Bread ruler? When times are hard, what do you use to help you see beauty in the here and now.  And remind you that hard times won’t last forever.  Leave a comment here.

Feature Segment – Get It Done Part 2: The Rest of the Sam Bennett Interview

If you listened to Episode 039, you heard my conversation with Sam Bennett. Sam is the creator of the Organized Artist Company, which is dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals.

In the last episode, Samantha talked about how to nurture your creative genius, why using typical productivity tools don’t work and what does, and one thing we can do to accomplish what we want. Our conversation was so good, that I didn’t want to edit it down.  So this is the second half of our conversation.

Here are the key conversation points to the second half of our conversation:

How to answer the question, “Who do you think you are?”

How to use your natural organizing style to work for you.

When to quit and not to quit.

How to change the imaginary voices in your head to spur your creative genius.

Kookoo nutcakes.

How to get help through the rough patches.

Join the ongoing conversation below and share how you nurture your spirit.

To connect with Sam:
Website – theorganizedartistcompany.com
Book – Get it Done

You still have a chance to win a free copy of Sam’s book “Get It Done” in the ReadForLife Twitter Book Giveaway.

How do you win?
1. Tweet about this episode using the Twitter share button.
2. Add the hashtag #readforlife
3. Add my Twitter Handle: @KThompsonSings
I will draw a winner from the tweets on the Monday after the episode publishes.