Episode 049 – Hidden Talent: A Conversation With Dynamic Communicators’ Matt Brady [podcast]

Some people’s talent is out in front – in the public eye.  Others’ is behind the scenes.  Matt Brady is one of the hidden talent behind Dynamic Communicators’ Ken Davis, an author, speaker, and mentor to other speakers. In this enlightening episode, we hear how your behind-the-scenes work contributes to the entire team’s success.  And how by stretching and “trying stuff” you can find your own hidden talents.

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On This Episode

Rhythm of Life – Causing Problems and Taking a Pause
Feature Segment – Hidden Talent:  A Conversation With Dynamic Communicators’ Matt Brady

Rhythm of Life – Causing Problems

Have you ever felt like you’re causing more problems when you solve?  Sometimes it really feels that way, doesn’t it?  In Episode 048 you heard me say that I felt as though others were playing “whack-a-mole” at work, with me as the mole.  Well, this week, I’ve felt like I’ve somehow caused a problem for others because I was trying to force a decision they didn’t want to make.

Though I have prided myself on being able to break through all types of roadblocks, and use different communication techniques to help people get comfortable enough to make a decision, I couldn’t get anyone to budge this time.  And my frustration built.  Listen to hear my surprising course of action once I realized what was going on.

Feature Segment – Hidden Talent: A Conversation With Dynamic Communicators’ Matt Brady

He currently serves as the road manager for Ken Davis and as one of the coordinators of Dynamic Communicators’ Launch and SCORRE Conferences.  He’s the man behind the curtain – or in this case, man in the control booth.

In case you don’t know Ken, he’s a comedian and inspirational speaker.  His book and talk “Fully Alive” has helped countless people live with gusto.  And for almost 30 years, he has coached others through his conferences to help them speak with more impact and build a career doing what they love.

Some key take-aways from the conversation:

  1. Problem-solving comes with the territory; how do we make this what it needs to be without letting Ken or anyone else get stressed about it?  Matt works with people to come up with the best possible outcome, even when dealt a hand that isn’t that favorable.   –We can learn from that.  We can do that for our spouse, co-workers, or manager.  Someone who quietly gets things done without a lot of fuss is extremely valuable.  Matt is that, and you can be too.
  2. When working with someone, anticipate what could be a problem for them and proactively solve it.  –How great is that?
  3. Sometimes until you get into the real world and really understand what it is you enjoy, it’s hard to state what it is.  And you might be wrong.
  4. To find your calling, just get out there and do stuff.  Be involved in different situations.  Try things.  You can have an idea, and then a job turns into something different, and you go “Wow!  I really enjoy this!”

If you want to meet Matt in person, his wife Lauren, Ken Davis, and several other fun and talented people – all while learning how to speak and present in a more compelling way, join them at the upcoming SCORRE Conference in October.  Held in Rome, GA,, it’s a great way to learn how to communicate clearly and in a way that moves others to action.  I’ve included a link below in the Resources section.


Jeff Goins – The Art of Work
Groovemaker Coaching
SCORRE Conference

Food For Thought:  Do you have a talent that was hidden and you found while doing something else?  Share in the comments, or share this post with a friend and discuss together.