Episode 094: What’s Your Signature Scent?

Whether you know it or not, you have a signature scent.  It’s not your perfume or after-shave.  It’s the emotions you come in the door with.  And that linger when you’ve left.  How to know what your signature scent is, and change it if it isn’t as sweet-smelling if you’d like.

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On This Episode

Rhythm of Life – Constraints Boost Creativity
Feature – What’s Your Signature Scent?

Rhythm of Life – Constraints Boost Creativity

I almost didn’t record today’s episode. Why?  Well, my mother had surgery and I’ve been needed to help my dad care for her.  Not only that, but I injured several ribs doing something I shouldn’t have been doing.  Listen to the episode so you don’t repeat my mistake.

Anyway, that meant I didn’t have as much time for research and the outline.  And the deep breathing required to sing or speak is just a bit too much right now.

So, I seriously thought about not putting out an episode this week.  And then I realized – I talk about creativity a lot – and creativity flourishes with constraints.  This is a perfect opportunity to exercise my creativity muscle.

I set my intention and asked the question, “How can I deliver an episode that serves you and doesn’t require a ton of research or for me to talk for very long?”  Then, “What do these constraints make possible?”

I let that simmer for a bit.  And what came out?  This episode.  The Finding Your Groove – the Dislocated Ribs Edition.

When find yourself with circumstances you didn’t expect, you can do the same thing.

  1. Remember your greatest creativity comes from constraints.
  2. Ask “What does this make possible?”
  3. Let your subconscious mind “work on it” for a bit.

You might be amazed at what comes from it.

Feature Segment – What’s Your Signature Scent?

I’m in a hurry.  Run downstairs to throw laundry in.  And smell something rotten.  I don’t see a dead animal, so I open the freezer a crack.  The stench is so gross it almost makes me retch.  Somehow the freezer had turned off, and all the food rotted.

It took a lot to get the rotten food out of there.  And in the process, the freezer, basement, garage, and car all smelled.  I’ve worked diligently to get rid of the smell, and it’s not going without a fight.  The only place that smells better as of this episode is my car (Good thing, considering how much time I spend in driving.).

That got me thinking about how quickly a smell can spread until it permeates everything.  It’s true of rotten food.  And it’s true of our lives too.  Wherever we go, and whatever work we create, we bring our aroma with us.  It follows behind us.  And quickly spreads to other people.

What aroma do you want to give off?  We’re not always conscious of the aroma we give off. We get used to our own smell.  We have to look for clues.

Your aroma part of your signature. Your signature scent, so to speak.

Remember – 93% of communication is how you communicate, not what you say. Changing the “how” takes techniques and understanding your intention.

What aroma do you want to give off?  It’s your choice.  It’s part of signature style.  Part of your Artisan identity.  Make your signature scent the one you want.  Even more important – make it one others want.

If you’d like some help, I’m here to coach you with technique.  And we can even go deeper.  Send an email to kathleen@kathleenannthompson.com to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.  Let’s start making your signature scent one that others will want to remember.

As always, your comments are welcome.  Because we’re better together.

Artisan Series Episodes

090: Why You Should Be an Artisan at Work
091: The 3 C’s of Artisanship
092: Are You a Creator, Consumer, or Critic?
093: Where to Start as an Artisan? With a MAP.


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