The Clock is Ticking

It was delivered to the office in an unassuming box.  “What is it?” we all wondered.  Jonathan opened it in the conference room so we could see.  A Y2K Countdown Clock.  Telling us exactly how many days, hours, minutes, and even seconds we had until the clock would change to the year 2000.

(c) AdobeStock Photo

You know, when everything might stop working.

What’s Your Favorite Holiday Tradition?

I had my hair cut the other day, and asked my stylist if he has a favorite Christmas tradition.  Jay said, “Oh yes.  Every year my family gives each other gorgeous cards.  And then we use them to make ornaments.  Some are mostly cut around the card design.  Others are cut so they are hardly recognizable, and a really creative ornament made out of them.  We have a special tree to hang these ornaments on, and keep saving them from year to year.  Every year this tree grows more beautiful with new ones being added.”

(c) Photo by Kristine Tanne on Unsplash

I can just picture it, can’t you?

Episode #128: My Self-Improvement Experiment – Everything is Figureoutable

What if you could figure out everything you wanted?  Like how to create a business and life you love?  Make the best of a bad situation?  Deal with something you can’t change and move on?  Well, according to Marie Forleo, you can.  On today’s episode, I’m giving you the low-down on Marie’s book “Everything is Figureoutable”. You’ll hear what Marie has to say, and how I made out when I did what she recommends.

(c) Jordan Madrid/Unsplash Photo

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Episode #127: Give Gratitude All You’ve Got

Some tell you to have an “attitude of gratitude”.  That sounds catchy.  And it’s not the same as practicing gratitude.  Practicing implies intention.  Work.  Even doing something you don’t always want to do.  Because you know it’s good and right.  Because it ultimately makes a difference in how you feel…and succeed.

(c) Freshh Connection/Unsplash Photo

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Three Phone Calls, Two Tragedies, and One Grateful Heart

I’ve got a long drive to the doctor.  I know!  I’ll use the time to catch up with some friends.  I dial the first one.  She’s driving too.  To see her dad in the hospital.  Something serious.  I wasn’t expecting that.  Thought I’d hear stories about what the kids are up to and what they’re doing for Thanksgiving.

You never know what you’ll hear when you call someone on the phone.

Episode #126: The Self-Improvement Experiment – Part 1

Self-help books.  Some people love them.  Others hate them.  Think they’re fake.  That there’s nothing new under the sun.  That they spend half their time convincing you that you need fixing so you pay them to help you do it.  What’s the reality?  We’re going to explore some together to find out.  It should be interesting.  It may be enlightening.  At the very least, it will be entertaining.

(c) Louis Reed/Unsplash Photo

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