Reclaiming the Garden Part 9 – Breathing Room

Yes, I’m still at it.  Still working to reclaim the garden behind my house.  If we were restoring a house, we’d say we were still in the “demo” phase.  Getting rid of what doesn’t belong so I can replace it with something that does.

(c) Kathleen Thompson. There’s space like this all over the garden.

And now I can see the effect of decisions I made years ago.

Reclaiming the Garden Part 6 – Clearing the Vines

As you know, I’ve been slowly (very slowly) reclaiming a garden in my back yard.  And I’ve found regular weeds, super-sized weeds with deep roots, and vines.  Nasty vines.  I think they might be bittersweet.  They’ve wrapped themselves around everything, somehow even managing to reach up to tree branches overhanging the garden and pulling them down.  And wherever they touch the ground, they seem to root.

Reclaiming the Garden – Where to Start?

I finally did it. After weeks of looking at my back garden, I decided to tackle clearing it out. Reclaiming it as a garden, rather than just give it over to the weeds. And what weeds there are. I don’t even know what most of them are. I just know they’re nasty. Tall, matted root structure, and aggressive. Some even have huge thorns, and other are vines that twist around branches of what would otherwise be lovely bushes, choking the life out of them.