Preparing For a Trip Doesn’t Need to be an Out-of-Body Experience

I woke up this morning with that infernal to-do list screaming in my head.  Pick up Euros, hold mail and paper, schedule bill payments, finish 2 blog posts and a podcast, laundry, pack, make sure I have adaptors.  Cook and freeze the leftover food.  Just to name a few.

(c) Kathleen Thompson Better on the paper than in my head!

The list seemed endless.

I’m leaving for Ireland in three days, and you know what that’s like.  You make your list and race through it.  And you either don’t finish everything on the list or you stay up until all hours getting it done in the wee hours of the morning.

And the worst is not really living those days leading up to the trip.  More like just getting through it.  Putting your head down and doing what you have to do so you can leave in peace.  Not have to come back to a mess.  Or tight deadlines as soon as you get back.  Or science experiments growing in the fridge.

But this morning as I wrote in my journal and kept focusing on my list, I realized I didn’t want these next 3 days to be like that.  And I also realized they don’t have to.  I can actually live my life as I prepare for this trip.


By being fully present each step of the way.  By making my list and then forgetting about it as I do whatever I’m doing.  By allowing myself to be in a state of flow, fully alive to each moment as it comes.  Even as I work hard to finish the most important things on that list.

Because life is lived in the moments.  These days aren’t simply passing time until I get to my “real life”, which is my trip to Ireland.  This is my real life too.  Cooking.  Cleaning.  Doing laundry.  Mowing the lawn (if it ever stops raining).  Organizing the electronics and paperwork.  Paying bills.  Writing and recording.  Walking with my friend.  Talking to my mom on the phone.

It’s all part of my real life.  One I live every day.  And those moments can be just as sweet as any other…if I let them.

So I decided I would do three things to keep me focused in the moment – really live each one.

  1. Get connected to now with meditation or constructive rest.
  2. Take breaks throughout the day to recharge and reorient myself.
  3. Enjoy what I’m doing. Be fully present with it and allow myself to be in a state of flow.

Already today I did some stuff that wasn’t on my list and grounded me to the present time and place.  I did take breaks, and that helped a lot.  And I even had fun downloading maps to my phone in case we lose a signal while driving.

So far so much better than usual.  I feel like I really lived today.  We’ll see how it holds up as the time to leave gets closer.  I promise to report to you no matter how it goes.  Either way it will be a learning experience for me.  And I hope for you, too.

Meanwhile, I leave you with this.

May the road rise to greet you, and the wind always be at your back.  The sun shine warm on your face, and the rains fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.  –Old Irish blessing

Do you have any other ideas for me to be more engaged with my life as I prepare for my trip?  If so, leave a comment.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Preparing For a Trip Doesn’t Need to be an Out-of-Body Experience

  1. Kathleen, so helpful reading this today. We’re downsizing 27 years of STUFF and it’s so easy to let the momentum carry me through the day. This afternoon I took time to delight in folders of our daughters’ school artwork, saved for four decades. And nibble chocolate covered almonds. And give thanks for those hectic, wondrous years of their youth. Good travels to you!!!

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